seeking the wild of the everyday

Monday, February 16, 2015

there's nothing more beautiful

than life right in early spring,
right now.

spot me on the log? (like a turtle.:) )

living in a valley where there are numerous bird migratory routes---
my ears,
my eyes---

the whirlbling (made that up) of sandhill cranes forces my ears and eyes to strain. this is the sound that my mom would go beserk for every spring/fall, always near the same dates. "THEY'RE HERE! THEY'RE HERE!!!!!!!!!! SANDHILL CRANES!!!! SOMEONE FIND BINOCULARS!!!! i do the same thing now. always for a moment you can hear their calls, so far up the sky these massive birds fly. they make a perfect line of birds, it pays to be outside. :)

what a treasure
i like to think this photo sums up my life. adventure amongst the mundane. ;)

teddy picture.

to be outside

even the culdesac is graced by orion

farmer's market haul. (i don't really know what's up with link but i like it. ;) )

happy valentine's day to meee!

oh, boy, gotta little lichen growing on me! <3 in the works and still healing. youch.

if this is what life looks like then i am a lucky girl indeed.

greeting every old flower friend,

douglas iris! 

swoon---mid-february hound's tongue. these are the early bloomers.

i knew they grew in clumps, only ever finding a few plants on my parent's property as a child. and near rattlesnake bar, the hills near folsom lake, i saw small meadows of houndstongue. it's like i fell into a faery glen.
i think my favorite part about these daffodils is that they're the gift i re-give myself every spring, since i planted them :)

visiting for such a flash,
our yearly wait over,
for now--

playing with new friends,
but feeling as old and
familiar as,
old friends.

probably the most perfect portrait of these two: carl wears an excessive amount of denim and olivia cross-stitches.
(...mouths "tool school?"...anywho.)  link is what we'd call a hybrid: kombucha and pizza. :)
babe alert.

and new opportunities to
define what
life looks

this is why i wear a camera around my neck: look at this picture.
i love getting handsome visitors at work. :) <3<3

work sunsets. :)

to have the courage to improve
and receive more
of life's
this cracks me up.

walking in the rain must be the most perfect
thing i have ever

this spring.

now is the time.


  1. Dolly Anna. I'm in love. Teddys pic of link is the bomb. So is links new hair doo. You and ty are pretty fly. Love you babes xoxo. Lichen is so healthy and good. Can only grow in good environment so you must be pretty good ye self. Love you. Kisses all around.

  2. Also wild flower searching on the hill was my favorite past time. The few I see in the desert brighten my day/mood. Funny how we become the thing we swore we never would. Aka-- mom. Hehe. Crazy bird/sunset/sunrise lady. Pretty good mix with dad in the picture ;)
