tyler and teddy. teddy loves ty, and it makes me inexplicably happy to see them happy together. (at tyler's sister's house in october.)
this is a photo of a photo of the growing baby boy. looks like an angel. he and i are both growing very well.
sorry this is upside-down, but it's the best tweedle-dum belly you've ever seen, while we were painting. baby portrait.
tiny dusty flower-like forms on a leaf. tyler insists it's some toxic mold. he could be right.
who wouldn't want this helper around? he and i both know there is something really satisfying about sucking a bunch of crud up and hearing it crunch through the hose.
the baby's journal; i write in it occasionally, like when he's kicked me awake. i write things about me and ty, so at least the voices of his twenty-something parents is preserved. he'll just always see us as "grown-up," or "big," or "old," and not young once like him, etc etc. i'm sure he'll enjoy it when he's older. ... some of the last entry: "dear baby boy- so, the ultrasound we took last month indicated "male." and we love that. (((exit: up until then i told every one i was having a girl, so the ultrasound was a fun event...))) we sleep in my cozy bed, belly round because you are growing so well- tyler keeps his hand on my belly, and you kick, kick, kick. how could this be? we are all so very happy to have you near.....
(before pic.) ...the last couple of days we have been painting your and teddy's room. the previous color was an abomination, and now, it's not. it'll be easy on your baby eyes. painting is a chore though, no lie...
(during. teddy's mustache is, for reals, from a blended chard drink.) ...at this point we're naming you lincoln- we hope that's okay. i personally think it's a pretty cool name- strong, unique, american (baby, i am enamored of all ideals native to this wild, free, and beautiful continent, particularly american transcendentalism and the LAND.) ...
(after. the color is a little deeper in the day light, but a job well done i'd say.) ...tyler is also related to a. lincoln, and it doesnt hurt to mention that we admire this noble man's life. for me, the name lincoln evokes the feelings one gets from counting rings on a log, or big and small towns....."
more to come about our research into home birth, teddy, and the family christmas card done e-style. xoxoxo
awww Lincoln?? I LOVE it. You guys are too cute. I love the room!! I can't wait to squeeze that cute baby when he comes!!